Harimoto Tomokazu Innerforce ALC

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A model produced in collaboration with Tomokazu Harimoto

The blade was developed in close cooperation with the Japanese superstar Tomokazu Harimoto. The slightly larger blade creates increased power while maintaining the popular stability, precision and punch of an Arylate-Carbon blade.

Product name
Harimoto Tomokazu Innerforce ALC
Price 5,900.-
Type Offensive shakehand
Reaction property 10.7
Vibration property  9.2
Structure 5 plywood + allylate carbon
Head size 158 x 152 mm.
Thickness 6.0 mm.
Handle size FL: 100 x 25 x 34 mm.
ST: 100 x 23 x 28 mm.
AN: 100 x 25 x 34 mm.
Average weight 87 g.
Country of origin Japan

1) Length × thickness × end width
* The weight of blades differs according to condition in humidity and temperature. Click here to refer the blade weight.